This photo is a self-portrait, I took it in 2018, the
time I postpone my career in journalism because of my mental health. I suffered
depression, mental desease that make me try to kill my self many times.
As you can see it’s not a happy photo, but let me tell
you that I have never taken a more sincere one, more transparent and real. I decided
to take it because I wanted to remember who I was at that dificult moment of
my life, and have a registy for the future. Some time before the photo I was
hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital.
I really like this photo because remembers me how
dificult was that moment, but also how strong and capable I’m for overcoming
depression and mental disases.
It’s my porfile photo on Instagram and Facebook,
because I like that people can see me just the way I’m.
What a good picture and what a good story behind this. That good that now you are better, you are one of so many people who suffer from problems in their mental health In Chile. I hope that society and Governments realize this and can improve the mental health in our country